HTTPS support

Zotonic has built-in support for HTTPS and TLS (previously SSL) certificate handling.

All sites share a single TLS port using Server Name Indication for virtual hosting and certificate selection.

The following guides are useful:

Running on Port 80 and Port 443
Let connect to the default https (443) and http (80) ports.
Port configurations
Configure all Zotonic listen ports, depending on your server configuration and proxy usage.
Proxying Zotonic with nginx
If you want to use nginx as a terminating proxy for SSL connections.
Automatically fetch free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt.
Use SSL certificates obtained from a Certificate Authority.

Running on Port 80 and Port 443 Deployment Using Varnish as frontend for Zotonic

Referred by

Upgrade notes

These notes list the most important changes between Zotonic versions. Please read these notes carefully when upgrading…